崔凤杰, 教授,硕导
2001.09-2006.06 江南大学,发酵工程,博士研究生(硕博连读);
1997.09-2001.06 安徽工程大学,生化工程,本科,学士;
2008.8 -2009.8:美国俄亥俄州立大学Bioproducts and Bioenergy Research Laboratory (BBRL), 博士后.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Biotechnology Progress, Process Biochemistry, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 等国际期刊审稿人.
留学生:Food Fermentation Technology/ Food Microbiology
[1] 生物饲料与固态发酵
[2] 食药用真菌生物技术。
[1] Book Chapters: Ye-Bo Li and Feng-Jie Cui., 2010. Microbial lactic acid production from renewable resources. In “Sustainable Biotechnology: Sources of Renewable Energy”. Edited by Om Singh, Steve Harvey. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 211-228.
[2] Book Chapters: Siqing Liu, Yebo Li, Hassan Azaizeh, Fengjie Cui, Ahmad Tafesh and Kenneth M. Bischoff. Production of &#118alue-added products by lactic acid bacteria. In “Biocatalysis and Molecular Engineering”. Edited by Hou, C. T., Shaw J. F. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley and Sons. 421-434.
[1] Feng-Jie Cui, Xiao-Xiao Chen, Wei-Min Liu, Wen-Jing Sun, Shuhao Huo, Yan Yang. Control of Grifola frondosa Morphology by Agitation and Aeration for Improving Mycelia and Exo-Polymer Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2016, 179(3), 459-473
[2] Fengjie Cui *, Xinyi Zan, Yunhong Li, Wenjing Sun*, Yan Yang, Lifeng Ping. Grifola frondosa Glycoprotein GFG-3a arrests S phase, alters proteome and induces apoptosis in human gastric cancer cells. Nutrition and Cancer: An International Journal. 2016, 68(2):267-79.
[3] Xinyi Zan, Fengjie Cui *, Yunhong Li , Wenjing Sun, Yan Yang*, Di Wu, Caixia Wan. Hericium erinaceus polysaccharide-protein HEG-5 inhibits SGC-7901 cell growth via Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 76, 242–253.
[4] Fengjie Cui*, Yunhong Li, Yan Yang, Wenjing Sun*, Di Wu, Lifeng Ping*. Changes in Chemical Components and Cytotoxicity at Different Maturity Stages of Pleurotus eryngii Fruiting Body. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 12631-12640.
[5] Fengjie Cui, Yunhong Li, Xinyi Zan, et al. Purification and partial characterization of a novel hemagglutinating glycoprotein from the cultured mycelia of Hericium erinaceus. Process Biochemistry,2014, 49 1362–1369
[6] Fengjie Cui, Xinyi Zan, Yunhong Li, et al. Purification and partial characterization of a novel anti-tumor glycoprotein from cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 62: 684-690.
[7] FengJie Cui, HongXia Zhao, WenJing Sun, et al. Ultrasound-assisted lipase-catalyzed synthesis of D-isoascorbyl palmitate: process optimization and Kinetic evaluation. Chemistry Central Journal, 2013, 7:180
[8] FengJie Cui, XinYi Zan, YuGuang Zhou, et al. Freeze-Drying of Glycoprotein GFPS1b from Grifola frondosa GF9801: Drying Kinetics, Functional, Conformational, and Topographical Changes. Drying Technology, 2013, 31, 1611-1618
[9] Fengjie Cui, Liming Zhao. Optimization of Xylanase Production from Penicillium sp.WX-Z1 by a Two-Step Statistical Strategy: Plackett-Burman and Box-Behnken Experimental Design. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13, 10630-10646
[10] Feng-Jie Cui, Cai-Xia Wan, Ye-Bo Li, et al. Co-production of Lactic Acid and Lactobacillus rhamnosus Cells from Whey Permeate with Nutrient Supplements. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2012, 5(4), 1278-1286.
[11] Feng-Jie Cui, Xin-Yi Zan, Hong-Yuan Wang, et al. Anti-proliferative activity of glycoprotein PLG-3 from the submerged mycelia of Phellinus linteus AML1101 in vitro. 2nd/2012 International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials (ICCEAM 2012). (EI/ISTP)
[12] Feng-Jie Cui, Ye-Bo Li, Cai-xia Wan. Lactic acid production from corn stover using mixed cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus brevis. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(2) 1831-1836.
[13] Feng-Jie Cui, Zhiqiang Liu, Yin Li, et al. Production of mycelial biomass and exo-polymer by Hericium erinaceus CZ-2: Optimization of nutrients levels using response surface methodology. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2010, 15, 299-307.
[14] Feng-Jie Cui, Yin Li, Zhiqiang Liu, Hui Zhao, et al. Optimization of fermentation conditions for production of xylanase by a newly isolated strain, Penicillium thiersii ZH-19.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2009, 25, 721-725.
[15] Feng-Jie Cui, Yin Li, Ying-Ying Xu, et al. Induction of apoptosis in SGC-7901 cells by polysaccharide-peptide GFPS1b from the cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa GF9801, Toxicology in Vitro, 2007, 21(3), 417-427.
[16] Feng-Jie Cui, Wen-Yi Tao, Zheng-Hong Xu, et al. Structural analysis of anti-tumor heteropolysaccharide GFPS1b from the cultured mycelia of Grifola frondosa GF9801, Bioresource Technology, 2007, 98, 395-401.
[17] Feng-Jie Cui, Yin Li, Zheng-Hong Xu, et al. Optimization of the medium composition for production of mycelial biomass and exo-polymer by Grifola frondosa GF9801 using response surface methodology. Bioresource Technology, 2006, 97, 1209-1216.
[18] ZhuanWei, Jue Zhou, WenJing Sun*, FengJie Cui*, QinHua Xu,ChangFeng Liu. Improvement of D-Ribose Production from Corn Starch Hydrolysate by a Transketolase-Deficient Strain Bacillus subtilis UJS0717. BioMed Research International, 2015, 535097.
[19] Wenjing Sun*, Fangfang Xiao, Zhuan Wei, Fengjie Cui*, Lin Yu, Silian Yu, Qiang Zhou. Non-sterile and buffer-free bioconversion of glucose to 2-keto-gluconic acid by using Pseudomonas fluorescens AR4 free resting cells. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50: 493-499.
[20] Guifang Yang, Zhuan Wei, Wenjing Sun*, Fengjie Cui*, Daming Wang, Silian Yu, Qiang Zhou. Purification and enzymatic characterization of membrane-bound D-gluconate dehydrogenase from Arthrobacter globiformis. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2015, 113:14-22.
[21] Qing Xue, Zhuan Wei, Wenjing Sun*, Fengjie Cui*, Silian Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jingze Liu. 2-Keto-D-gluconate-yielding membrane-bound D-glucose dehydrogenase from Arthrobacter globiformis C224: purification and characterization. Molecules, 2015, 20: 846-862.
[22] Wenjing Sun*, Qingqing Yun, Yanzheng Zhou, Fengjie Cui*, Silian Yu, Qiang Zhou, Lei Sun. Continuous 2-keto-gluconic acid (2KGA) production from corn starch hydrolysate by Pseudomonas fluorescens AR4. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 77: 97-102.
[23] Wenjing Sun*, Hongxia Zhao, Fengjie Cui*, Yunhong Li, Silian Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jingya Qian, Ying Dong. D-isoascorbyl palmitate: lipase-catalyzed synthesis, structural characterization and process optimization using response surface methodology. Chemistry Central Journal, 2013, 7:114.
[24] Wenhua Teng , Wenjing Sun*, Bin Yu, Fengjie Cui*, Jingya Qian, Jingze Liu, Liang Wang, Xianghui Qi, Hua Wei. Continuous conversion of rice starch hydrolysate to 2-keto-D-gluconic acid by Arthrobacter globiformis C224. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2013, 18: 709-714.
[25] Wenjing Sun*, Yanzheng Zhou, Qiang Zhou, Fengjie Cui*, Shilian Yu, Lei Sun. Semi-continuous production of 2-keto-gluconic acid by Pseudomonas fluorescens AR4 from rice starch hydrolysate. Bioresource Technology. 2012 (110), 546-551.
[26] Wenjing Sun*, Changfeng Liu, Lin Yu, Fengjie Cui*, Qiang Zhou, Silian Yu. A novel bacteriophage KSL-1 of 2-keto-gluconic acid producer Pseudomonas fluorescens K1005: isolation, characterization and its remedial action. BMC Microbiology. 2012. 12:127.
[27] Daming Huang, Tianzhen Zhang, Fengjie Cui*, Wenjing Sun, Liming Zhao*, Mengyi Yang, Yajuan Wang. Simultaneous identification and quantification of canrenone and 11-α-hydroxy-canrenone by LC-MS and HPLC-UVD. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2011, 917232.
[28] Da-Ming Huang, Feng-Jie Cui*, Yin Li, Zhi-Cai Zhang, Jie-Wen Zhao, Xiao-Ming Han, Xiang Xiao, Jing-Ya Qian, Qi-Fei Wu, Guo-Qiang Guan. Nutritional Requirements for the Mycelial Biomass and Exo-Polymer Production by Hericium erinaceus CZ-2. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 45 (4): 389–395.
[1] 2016.08-2017.08上海源耀生物股份有限公司合作项目, 主持(1/4);
[2] 2015.06-2017.04安徽瑞福祥食品有限公司合作项目, 主持(1/4);
[3]2015.07-2016.12 农业部农药残留检测重点实验室开放课题, 主持(1/4);
[4] 2014.11~2016.10 International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden), Renewal grants(滚动资助),项目编号: F/4930-2F, 主持(1/3);
[5] 2013.06~2015.05中国博士后基金第六批特别资助项目, 项目编号: 2013T60648, 主持(1/1);
[6] 2013.01~2015.12江西省上饶市信江人才866工程, 主持(1/1);
[7] 2012.06~2014.06中国博士后基金, 项目编号: 2012M511702, 主持(1/1);
[8] 2012.08~2014.12国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目子课题, 项目编号: 2012BAD36B05, 主持(1/1);
[9] 2012.01~2014.12 国家自然基金, 项目编号: 31101269, 主持(1/7);
[10] 2012. 05~2014.04 江西省博士后科研项目择优一等资助, 主持(1/3);
[11] 2012. 07~2014.06 江西省博士后科研项目日常资助, 主持(1/3);
[12] 2011.08 ~ 2013.12 Invention Development Management Company合作项目, 项目编号: L-14451, 主持;
[13] 2012. 01~2013.12镇江市科技支撑计划(工业), 技术负责人(2/7);
[14] 2010.11~2013.10 International Foundation for Science (IFS, Sweden), 项目编号: F/4930-1, 主持(1/4);
[15] 2011.01~2012.12国家星火计划项目,项目编号为: 2011GA690060, 主持(1/10);
[16] 2007.07~2009.12 江苏省教育厅自然科学基金,项目编号: 07KJD350034, 主持(1/8);
[17] 2007.07~2009.12镇江市科技攻关项目, 技术负责人(2/8);
[18] 2014.01~2017.12国家自然基金,项目编号: 31371760, 主要参与(2/9);
[19] 2011.01~2011.12国家自然基金, 项目编号: 31040061, 主要参与(2/7);
[20] 2010.01-2012.12国家自然基金, 项目编号: 30970006, 主要参与(2/6).
[1] 低芥酸非转基因油菜籽加工关键技术的研究与开发. 2013年中国粮油学会科技进步奖三等奖, 排名第一;
[2] D-异抗坏血酸(钠)高效生产技术与产业化应用. 2013年江西省科技进步奖二等奖, 排名第五;
[3] 高强度2-酮基-D-葡萄糖酸发酵工艺的研究与应用. 2013年上饶市科学技术奖一等奖,排名第五;
[4] D-异抗坏血酸钠高效生产技术的研究及应用. 2011年全国商业科技进步奖一等奖,排名第五;
[5] 药用真菌生物转化银杏叶提取物提高其降血糖活性,2007年中国轻工业联合会科技进步优秀奖, 排名第三.
[1] Fengjie Cui. Production of lactic acid from fermentations using mixed bacterial cultures. PCT. CN2012/076993.
[2] 崔凤杰, 黄达明,罗杰等. 桑黄菌丝体活性糖蛋白及其用途和制备方法, ZL200710132671.3, 已授权;
[3] 崔凤杰,霍书豪,陈志蔚,等. 一种超声预处理植物油脱臭馏出物强化提取VE装置及方法. ZL 201310479627.5, 已授权;
[4] 崔凤杰,昝新艺,李云虹,等. 一种灰树花菌丝体抗肿瘤糖蛋白及制备方法. ZL201310467193.7, 已授权;
[5] 崔凤杰,林琳. 一种油脂物理精炼成套装备. ZL201020602237.4, 已授权;
[6] 崔凤杰,李云虹,昝新艺,等. 一种具有抗肿瘤和凝集活性的猴头菌糖蛋白及其制备方法. 申请号:2014103147883;
[7] 孙文敬,崔凤杰,赵红霞,等. 一种超声辅助酶促合成D-异抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯的方法. 申请号:2014101039653。