易林 博士 助理研究员
E-mail: leyilin@163.com
2009年12月 江南大学发酵工程专业博士毕业
2005年7月 南昌大学微生物专业硕士毕业
2002年7月 南昌大学生物工程专业本科毕业
[1] Le Yilin, Peng Jingjing, Wu Huawei, Sun Jianzhong, Shao Weilan. An Approach to the Production of Soluble Protein from a Fungal Gene Encoding an Aggregation-Prone Xylanase in Escherichia coli. PLoS One. 2011, 6(4): e18489.
[2] Le Yilin, Peng Jingjing, Pei Jianjun, Li Huazhong, Duan Zuoying, Shao Weilan. Properties of an NAD+-dependent DNA ligase from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima and its application in PCR amplification of long DNA fragments. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2010,46:113-117.
[3] Pei Jianjun1, Zhou Qing 1, Jiang Yu 1, Le Yilin 1, Li Huazhong, Shao Weilan, Wiegel Juergen. Thermoanaerobacter spp. control ethanol pathway via transcriptional regulation and versatility of key enzymes. Metab Eng. 2010,12(5): 420-8. (1 These authors contributed equally to this work.)
[4] Yin Erkang,Le Yilin,Pei Jianjun,Shao Weilan,Yang Qiyin. High-level expression of the xylanase from Thermomyces lanuginosus in Escherichia coli. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2008,24:275-280.
[5] 邵蔚蓝,乐易林,裴建军.原位构建基因突变文库的方法及试剂盒,中国发明专利,101532181B,授权公告日:2011-7-20.
[6] 申请国际专利:SHAO Weilan,LE Yilin,PEI Jianjun. METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING MUTAGENESIS LIBRARIES IN SITU. International Application No.: PCT/US2010/027364