陈华友,博士,教授 (研究员),博士后、博士生和硕士生导师,(微生物学术方向带头人,江苏大学应用微生物研究所所长iam.ujs.edu.cn)
电话 13912800258, E-mail phdc@163.com,QQ 547631878
2013.12-2014.12,美国加州大学(SAN DIEGO)微生物学系国家公派访问学者
2007. 11至今江苏大学从事微生物分子生物学研究
1. 微生物饲料与基因工程. 2.基因编辑crispr_cas9与细胞工厂. 3.计算模拟与酶工程. 4.发酵工程与分离纯化. 5.高效秸秆饲料. 6.微生物制造与代谢改造. 7发酵中草药. 8.特种水产养殖和菌藻互动。欢迎考生及博士后提前联系确定。
2 .新型高效低成本的微生物饲料研究及产业化
3. “微生物+模式”的现代生态循环农业研究及产业化
以微生物饲料、微生物发酵食品、微生物环境、微生物肥料、微生物防治为核心的“微生物+模式”现代生态循环农业,将是下一个房地产业规模的市场,通过新型微生物饲料和发酵中草药支撑起新一代的高效安全饲料业和无抗生态养殖业,通过微生物肥料支撑起新一代的生态肥料业和种植业,通过绿色环保的生物农药代替传统化学农药,通过微生物菌剂显著改善环境水质, 通过微生物发酵以上优质食材,支撑起新一代的健康食品和发酵食品。
1 国家重点研发计划“绿色生物制造”专项:大宗非常规饲料资源用酶创制,课题编号:2021YFC2103004,2021.12-2024.12,主持人,课题组长,国拨510万。
2国家重点研发计划“合成生物学”专项:糖代谢人工电子传递链模块的重构,课题编号:2021YFA0910402,2021.12-2026.12, 主持人,任务负责人,国拨94万。
13.高效安全饲用枯草杆菌表达平台构建及纤维素酶表达的研究,国家重点实验室2009年度开放课题(Grant No. 2060204),2009.3-2010.10.排名1/5.
14.宏基因组甘油脱水酶分子催化机制及分子改造,国家自然科学基金(21006041), 2011.1-2013.12.第一参加人。
15. 菌群筛选及菌酶协同发酵生产新型水飞蓟渣生物饲料技术集成及产业化。镇江丹徒区社会发展项目,SH2018002,2019.1.1-2021.12.30,主持。
16. 纤维质中药渣菌酶协同转化关键技术及应用,镇江重点研发计划(社会发展)SH2020021,2020.7.1-2022.7.1,主持。
17. 嗜热菌热休克蛋白及分子机器研究,科技部国家973项目( 2004CB719606)子课题(120万),2004.8-2009.8排名2/7
18. 聚谷氨酸代谢工程的研究国家自然科学基金子课题(20674038)2008.1-2009.12.排名2/5
19. 新型固定化酶催化剂与丙酸生物合成技术科技部国家“863”项目子课题(2006AA03Z0453),2007.9-2009.12.排名2/6
20. 利用调味品酿造糟渣开发系列化基质肥料与蛋白饲料的技术,江苏省科技攻关重大项目(BE2006385)2006.3-2009.12.排名8/16
21. 连接肽对枯草杆菌芽孢表面展示嗜热脂肪酶的影响机制(2018KF-02),中科院生化工程国家重点实验室开放基金。2019.1-2021.12,10万,主持。
71. Mingchen Yan, Ying Chen , Huimin Zhou , Yong Feng , Yudan Xu , Zhen Wang , Muhammad Saeed , Zhen Fang , Zhong Ni , Huayou Chen *. Three-step surface design of spore-displayed keratinase improved acid tolerance and feather degradation,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 285 (2025) 138173在线 。(中科院1区,TOP期刊,IF7.7)
70. Zhengfen Wu,Pengfei Li,Yong Chen,Xihua Chen,Yong Feng,Zhongjian Guo,Daochen Zhu,Yangchun Yong,Huayou Chen*. Rational Design for Enhancing Cellobiose Dehydrogenase Activity and Its Synergistic Role in Straw Degradation. Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry. OCT 29, 2024. 72(44)Page24620-24631. DOI10.1021/acs.jafc.4c05991. (中科院1区,TOP期刊,IF6.1)
69. Lu He, Mingchen Yan, Muhammad Naeem, Minghaonan Chen, Yong Chen, Zhong Ni, Huayou Chen*. Enhancing Manganese Peroxidase: Innovations in Genetic Modification, Screening Processes, and Sustainable Agricultural Applications. Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry. 2024,11(中科院1区,TOP期刊,IF6.1)
68. Jianda Han, Mati Ullah, Vivian Andoh, Muhammad Nadeem Khan, Yong Feng, Zhongjian Guo, and Huayou Chen*. Engineering Bacterial Chitinases for Industrial Application: From Protein Engineering to Bacterial Strains Mutation! A Comprehensive Review of Physical, Molecular, and Computational Approaches. October 10, 2024, 72(42):23082-23096. DOI10.1021/acs.jafc.4c06856. (中科院1区,TOP期刊,IF6.1)
67. Mati Ullah ,Yutong Xia, Dalal Sulaiman Alshaya, Jianda Han, Kotb A. Attia, Tawaf Ali Shah ID and Huayou Chen*. Display of Bacterial Exochitanase on Bacillus subtilis Spores Improved Enzyme Stability and Recyclability. Molecules. Sep 2024, 29(18) 4302 DOI10.3390/molecules29184302. (中科院2区,IF4.2)
66. Na Shi, Shouzhi Li, , Huayou Chen* High-throughput screening and identification of lignin peroxidase based on spore surface display of Bacillus subtilis. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.2024.11(中科院2区,IF3.3)
65. Yan, Mingchen; Chen, Ying; Feng, Yong; Saeed, Muhammad; Fang, Zhen; Wang, zhen; Ni, Zhong; Chen, Huayou*. Perspective on Agricultural Industrialization: Modification Strategies for Enhancing the Catalytic Capacity of Keratinase. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2024.6,一区。IF6.1
64. Yutong Xia, Jia Zhao, Nazar Hussain, Xihua Chen, Huayou Chen*. Molecular modification strategies of nitrilase for its potential application in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2024.7,一区。IF6.1
63. Zazar Husain, Muhammad Saeed, Huayou Chen*. Effect of Citrullus colocynthis Seed Powder on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Meat Quality, and Histomorphology in Broilers. Pakistan Journal of Zoology.2024.5.
62. Yanzhen Chen, Miaomiao Li, Mingchen Yan, YongChen,Huayou Chen*. Muhammad Saeed Huayou Chen*.Bacillus subtilis: current and future modification strategies as a protein secreting factory. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.2024, 40:195.
61. Xihua Chen, Xiaoyu Liang, Na Shi, Lu He, Yi Ma, Daochen Zhu, Zhong Ni and Huayou Chen*. New wheat straw fermentation feed: recombinant Schizosaccharomyces pombe efficient degradation of lignocellulose and increase feed protein. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology .2024.5. (IF:2.9)。
60. Muhammad Saeed, Mingchen Yan, ZhongNi, Nazar Hussain, and Huayou Chen*. Molecular strategies to enhance the keratinase gene expression and its potential implications in poultry feed industry. 2024.3 Poultry Science,103:103606 Q1一区。
59. Muhammad Saeed, Asghar Ali Kamboh,and Chen Huayou*1.
Promising future of citrus waste into fermented high-quality bio-feed in the poultry nutrition and safe environment. 2024.2 Poultry Science 103:103549 Q1一区。
58. Muhammad Saeed , Mahzaib Munawar, Huayou Chen*. Promising phytopharmacology, nutritional potential, health benefits, and traditional usage of Tribulus terrestris L. herb. Heliyon.2024.1.30 online.10:e25549. Q1
57. Shouzhi Li, Lu He, Na Shi, and Huayou Chen*. Display and identification of lignin peroxidase on the surface of Bacillus subtilis", Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 27 February 2024.
56. Wu Z., Li P., Chen X., Feng Y., Ma Y., Ni Z., Zhu D., Chen H. *. Surface Display System of Bacillus subtilis: A Promising Approach for Improving the Stability and Applications of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase. Protein Expression and Purification, 2024, 218: 106448
55. Huayou Chen,* Lingyu Kang, Keyi Li, Tao Feng, Zhong Ni, Ebin Gao & Zhen Fang. Accurate quantification on the change of some live pathogenic microbial flora in fermented feed. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,2023.5. Q1。
54. Zhen Wang, Mingchen Yan, Keyi Li, Yanzhen Chen, Zhen Fang, Zhong Ni, Huayou Chen *. The flexible linker and CotG were more effective for the spore surface display of keratinase KERQ7. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.2023.12. Q2。
53. Mati Ullah , Muhammad Rizwan, Ali Raza, Yutong Xia, Jianda Han, YiMa , Huayou Chen*. Snapshot of the Probiotic Potential of Kluveromyces marxianus DMKU-1042 Using a Comparative Probiogenomics Approach. Foods.2023.12 Q1,二区。
52. Shouzhi Li, Lu He, Na Shi, and Huayou Chen*. Display and identification of lignin peroxidase on the surface of Bacillus subtilis", Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2023.12. Q2,四区。
51. Keyi Li , Yutong Xia, Zhen Wang, Ebin Gao, Shuhao Huo, Huayou Chen*. Progress in the cultivation of diatoms using organic carbon sources. Algal Research. 74 (Jul. 2023) 103191. IF5.6, Q1,二区。
50. Zhen Wang1 · Yanzhen Chen1 · Mingchen Yan1 · Keyi Li1 · Charles Obinwanne Okoye2,3 · Zhen Fang2 · Zhong Ni1 .Huayou Chen*. Research progress on the degradation mechanism and modification of keratinase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Feb. 2023) 107:1003–1017. (中科院三区IF5, Q1)
49 Jibin Li , Xinyu Heng, Zhong Ni and Huayou Chen *. Study on the Antibacterial Rule in Fermented Feed with Different Amounts of CaCO3 by Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. Fermentation 2023, 9(11), 940. 中科院3区
48 Muhammad Saeed,Nazar Hussaina,and Huayou Chen*. The potential of lactoferrin: a call for future research in poultry nutrition. Worlds Poultry Science Journal. Aug 2023. Q1,中科院2区
47. Muhammad Saeed,and Huayou Chen*.Nutritional Significance and Health Benefits of Quail’s Meat and Eggs: An Empirical Review. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences,2023,四区
46 Shouzhi Li, Lu He, Na Shi, Yanzhen Chen, Muhammad Saeed, Zhong Ni, and Huayou Chen*. Preparing the pure lignin peroxidase and exploring the effects of chemicals on the activity. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. Oct. 2023.四区
45. Muhammad Saeed,and Huayou Chen*. Food Free of Antibiotic Residues: Use of Postbiotic as Growth Promoter in Poultry Industry: A Review of Current Knowledge and Future Prospects. Food Science of Animal Resources, 2023.11 Q1,三区。
44. Huayou Chen* · Xiaoyu Liang · Shouzhi Li ·Zhoulei Cui · Yangchun Yong · Zhong Ni ·Quan Bu · Daochen Zhu. Straw lignin degradation by lignin peroxidase from Irpex lacteus cooperated with enzymes and small molecules. Biotechnol Lett.2023.1.
43. Huayou Chen*,Xinyu Heng, Keyi Li, Zhen Wang, Zhong Ni, Ebin Gao, Yangchun Yong and Xin Wu*. Complexation of multiple mineral elements by fermentation and its application in laying hens. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022.8.29(IF6.59, 中科院2区JCR1)
42. Xinyu Heng, Huayou Chen *, Chenxi Lu, Tao Feng, Keyi Li, Ebin Gao . Study on synergistic fermentation of bean dregs and soybean meal by multiple strains and proteases. LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 154, 15 January 2022, 112626. (IF6.0, 中科院1区JCR1)
41. Heng, XY ; Chen, HY* ; Li, JB. Study on the removal of anti-nutritional factors in bean dregs by solid-state fermentation.Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Pak. J. Agri. Sci.), Vol. 59(4), 543-551; 2022.8
40.Huayou Chen*, Shouzhi Li, Zhoulei Cui, Tao Feng, Hongcheng Wang, Zhong Ni, Ebin Gao & Zhen Fang. Synergistic Degradation of Maize Straw Lignin by Manganese Peroxidase from Irpex lacteus. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 17 October online 2022. Jun.2023出版.
39. Huayou Chen*, Chenxi Lu, Tingting Li, Lingyu Kang, Xiaoyu Liang, Zhong Ni. Feasibility study of fluorescence quantitative PCR for the detection of microecological dynamics in fermented maize stover feeds. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2021; 26(5): 2986-2993.
38. Huayou Chen*, Xiaoyu Liang, Kangtao Cai, Bangguo Wu, Hongcheng Wang , Zhong Ni. Detoxification of corn stalk pretreated with calcium hydroxide for true protein accumulation. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2021; 26(6): 3137-3144
37. Huayou Chen*, Kangtao Cai, Lingyu Kang,Tingting Li, Xiaoyu Liang, Xinyu Heng
Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the corn stalk Fermentation by Fluorescence Quantitative PCR. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2021; 26(5): 2926-2935
36. Kangtao Cai, Huayou Chen*, Xinyu Heng, Lingyu Kang,Junming Wu, Chenxi Lu, Xiaoyu Liang. Optimization of Small Peptide Feed from Milk Thistle Residue by
Synergistic Fermentation of Multiple Strains and Proteases. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2021; 26(6): 3102-3109
35. Xinyu Heng, Huayou Chen*, Jibin Li, Kangtao Cai, Chenxi Lu. Optimization of Fermentation Process for Improving Soy Isoflavones Aglycone Content in Bean Dregs by Lactobacillus plantarum PL70a. Rom Biotechnol Lett. 2021; 26(5): 2942-2952
34. KailiMao, YaoZhu, JianRong, FengxianQiu*, HuayouChen*, JinchaoXu, DongyaYang, TaoZhang, LiZhong. Rugby-ball like Ag modified zirconium porphyrin metal–organic frameworks nanohybrid for antimicrobial activity: Synergistic effect for significantly enhancing photoactivation capacity. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Volume 611, 20 February 2021, 125888.
33.Jinru Jia, Huayou Chen* , Bangguo Wu,Fengjie Cui, Hua Fang, Hongcheng Wang, Zhong Ni.Protein Production Through Microbial Conversion of Rice Straw by Multi-Strain Fermentation . Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2019 Jan;187(1):253-265. (SCI)
32. Huayou Chen*, Bangguo Wu, Tianxi Zhang, Jinru Jia, Jian Lu, Zhi Chen, Zhong Ni,Tianwei Tan. Effect of Linker Length and Flexibility on the Clostridium thermocellum Esterase Displayed on Bacillus subtilis Spores. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2017, 182(1):168–180. (SCI)
31. Huayou Chen*, Jinru Jia, Zhong Ni, Ake Vastermark, Bangguo Wu, Yilin Le and Ullah Jawad. Orlistat response to missense mutations in lipoprotein lipase. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 2017,64(4):464-470. (SCI)
30. Huayou Chen*, Zhi Chen, Bangguo Wu, Jawad Ullah, Tianxi Zhang, Jinru Jia, Hongcheng Wang , Tianwei Tan. Influences of various peptide linkers on the Thermotoga maritima MSB8 nitrilase displayed on the spore surface of B. subtilis.Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017;27(1):64-71. (SCI)
29. Huayou Chen* , Jawad Ullah, Jinru Jia. Progress in Bacillus subtilis Spore Surface Display Technology towards Environment, Vaccine Development, and Biocatalysis, J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 2017;27:159–167(SCI)
28. Jawad Ullah, Huayou Chen*, Ake Vastermark, Jinru Jia, Bangguo Wu, Zhong Ni, Yilin Le, Hongcheng Wang. Impact of Orientation and flexibility of peptide linkers on T. Maritima lipase Tm1350 displayed on Bacillus Subtilis spores surface using CotB as fusion partner. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017. 9, 33:166(SCI)
27. Jinru Jia, Huayou Chen*, Bangguo Wu, Zhong Ni. Cations Optimization for Protein Enrichment in Rice Straw by Mixed Cultures of Neurospora crassa 14-8 and Candida utilis Using Response Surface Methodology. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2017, 182(2):804-817. (SCI)
26. Huayou Chen*, Zhi Chen, Zhong Ni, Rui Tian, Tianxi Zhang, Jinru Jia, Keping Chen, Shengli Yang. Display of Thermotoga maritima MSB8 nitrilase on the spore surface of Bacillus Subtilis using out coat protein CotG as the fusion partner. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. Jan. 2016, 123: 73–80 (SCI)
25. Chen H*.· Zhang T. · Sun T. · Ni Z. · Le Y. · Tian R. · Chen Z. · Zhang C. Clostridium thermocellum Nitrilase Expression and Surface Display on Bacillus subtilis Spores. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015;25:381-387 (SCI).
24.Huayou Chen*, Rui Tian, Zhong Ni, Qing Zhang, Tianxi Zhang, Zhi Chen, Keping Chen, Shengli Yang. Surface display of the thermophilic lipase Tm1350 on the spore of Bacillus subtilis by the CotB anchor protein. Extremophiles. July 2015, 19(4), pp 799-808 (SCI).
23. Huayou Chen*, Tianxi Zhang, Jinru Jia, Ake Vastermark, Rui Tian, Zhong Ni, Zhi Chen, Keping Chen, Shengli Yang.Expression and display of a novel thermostable esterase from Clostridium thermocellum on the surface of Bacillus subtilis using the CotB anchor protein.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology.Nov.2015, 42(11), pp 1439-1448 (SCI).
22.Rui Tian,Huayou Chen*, Zhong Ni, Qing Zhang, Zhongge Zhang, Tianxi Zhang, Chunxia Zhang, Shengli Yang.Expression and Characterization of a Novel Thermo-Alkalistable Lipase from Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Thermotoga maritima.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. July 2015, 176(5), pp 1482-1497. (SCI).
21.Tianxi Zhang,Huayou Chen*,Zhong Ni, Rui Tian,Jinru Jia, Zhi Chen,Shengli Yang.Expression and characterization of a new thermostable esterase from Clostridium thermocellum.Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.2015,177: 1437-1446.(SCI).
20.Zhi Chen,Huayou Chen*, Zhong Ni, Rui Tian, Tianxi Zhang, Jinru Jia, Shengli Yang.Expression and characterization of a novel nitrilase from hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima MSB8. JMB. 2015,25(10): 1660-1669.(SCI).
19.Huayou Chen, Rui Tian, Zhong Ni, Zhongge Zhang, Hongzhang Chen, Qi Guo, Milton H Saier. Conformational Transition Pathway in the Inhibitor Binding Process of Human Monoacylglycerol Lipase. Protein J (2014) 33:503–511.(SCI).
18.Huayou ChenTengyun Sun Zhong Ni.Structural and energetic insights into the selective interactions of monoacylglycerol lipase with its natural substrate and small-molecule inhibitors.
Medicinal Chemistry Research. May 2014, 23(5), pp 2391-2404 (SCI).
17.Rongzhong Jin • Yili Ma •Huayou Chen*.Structural and Affinity Insight into the Sequence-Specific Interaction of Transcription Factors DEC1 and DEC2 with E-box DNA: A Novel Model Peptide Approach. Int J Pept Res Ther. 19 June 2013. DOI 10.1007/s10989-013-9354-z. (SCI)
16.Huayou Chen,Zhongmei Chu, Yi Zhang, Shengli Yang.Overexpression and Characterization of the recombinant Small Heat Shock Protein fromPyrococcus furiosus.Biotechnology Letters.2006,28(14):1089-1094. (SCI)
15.Hua-You Chen, Zhong-Mei Chu, Yan-he ma,Yi Zhang , Sheng-Li Yang. Expression and Characterization of the Chaperonin Molecular Machine from the Hyperthermophilic ArchaeonPyrococcus furiosus, Journal of Basic Microbiology2007,47(12):132 – 137. (SCI)
14. Hua-you Chen, Xiao-li Tan, Jian Lu, Chun-xia Zhang,Yi Zhang, Sheng-liYang.Characterization of the ATPase activity of class II chaperonin from the hyperthermophilic archaeonPyrococcus furiosus.Biotechnology Letters. 2009, 31:1753–1758 (SCI)
13. CHEN Hua-you,QI Xiang-hui, GENG Xu, XU Qing-gang. Separation and Purification of Recombinant Hirudin Variant 3 fromBacillus subtilis.Agricultural Science and Technology, 2009, 10(6) p.15-19.
12. Hua-you Chen,Jin-hong Zhang, Jian Lu, Qing-gang Xu, Xiang-hui Qi, Dao-chen Zhu. Simple and efficient methods for isolation and activity measurement of the recombinant hirudin variant 3 from the Bacillus subtilis. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011,10(44)8889-8894. (SCI)
11. Huayou Chen, Xianghui Qi, Xu Geng, Qinggang Xu, Jing Wang, Zirong Wu.Expression, Purification and Characterization of the Recombinant Hirudin Variant iii in the Bacillus Subtilis.Advanced Materials ResearchVols. 343-344 (2012) pp 753-763. (EI )
10.YILIN Le,HUAYOU Chen, ROBERT Zagursky, J.H. DAVID Wu,*, and WEILAN Shao,*.Thermostable DNA Ligase-Mediated PCR Production of Circular Plasmid (PPCP) and Its Application in Directed Evolution via In situ Error-Prone PCRDNA RESEARCH 20, 375–382, (2013). (SCI,IF5)
9. Zhong Ni, Rongzhong Jin,Huayou Chen, Xianfu Lin. Just an additional hydrogen bond can dramatically reduce the catalytic activity of B. sub lipase A I12T mutant: an integration of computational modeling and experimental analysis. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2013, 43: 1882-1888. (SCI)
8. Zhong Ni,Huayou Chen, et al. Insight into molecular mechanism underlying the transesterification catalysed by penicillin G amidase(PGA) using a combination protocol of experimental assay and theoretical analysis. Molecular Simulation,2014, 40:14, 1125-1130, (SCI)
7. Zhong Ni,Huayou Chen, Xianghui Qi. Why is substrate peptide binding unsusceptible to multidrug-resistant mutations in HIV-1 protease? A structural and energetic analysis. Int. J. Pept. Res. Ther.2014 (online, DOI: 10.1007/s10989-013-9365-9). (SCI)
6. Huayou Chen *, Shengli Yang. Sec-Dependent Protein*Jinhong Zhang, Pingping Li , Degang Ning. Secretion Pathway of Bacillus Subtilis. 2011 Inernational Symposium on Biomedicine and Engineering.2011,pp570-575. (ISTP)
5. Huayou Chen, Jinhong Zhang, Jian Lu , Pingping Li, Shengli Yang.Consolidated bioprocessing of biomass to ethanol by thermophilic anaerobic bacteria.2011 Inernational Symposium on Biomedicine and Engineering.2011,pp576-581. (ISTP)
4. Jinhong Zhang,Huayou Chen*, Pingping Li. Research Progress of Bacteria Cellulase,2011 International Conference on Environmental Systems Science and Engineering.2011, PP168-175.(ISTP).
3. Xiangfei Li, Wei Pan, Fengjie Cui, Yuguang Zhou,Huayou Chen*. Effect of Sludge from Different Sources on Solid Anaerobic Digestion of Gorn Straw. 2012,13(3):605-607.
2. Jian Lu,Huayou Chen; Qinggang Xu; Jianzhou Zheng; Haijun Liu;Jun Li; Keping Chen .ComparativeProteomicsof Kidney Samples from Puffer Fish Takifugu rubripes Exposed to Excessive Fluoride: An Insight into Molecular Response to Fluorosis. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2010, 20(6):345-54.(SCI)
1. Lisa Wang, Qinhua Zhou,Huayou Chen,Zhongmei Chu, Jianfeng Lu, Yi Zhang and Shengli Yang. Efficient solubilization, purification of recombinant extracellular α-amylase from pyrococcus furiosus expressed as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli.Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology.2007 Mar; 34(3):187-92.(SCI)
2.陈华友,谭小力,张志燕,禇仲梅。Pyrococcus furiosus小分子热休克蛋白Pfu-sHSP的克隆表达和纯化,信阳师范学院学报,2009.1。
3.陈华友,张志燕,吴岩,张毅。极端嗜热菌Pyrococcus furiosus热休克蛋白HSP60的克隆表达和纯化,安徽农业科学,2009.3。
10.李继彬, 陈志,陈华友*. 腈水解酶克隆表达、固定化及分子改造的研究进展[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2017, 37(9):141-147。
11.李婷婷,陈华友*,嗜热酯酶的研究进展。《生物学杂志》, 2019。
12. 崔周磊,王洪成, 武俊明, 陈华友* .“白囊耙齿菌猛过氧化物酶基因的表达和酶学分析,《生物学杂志》2020.12。
13. 康凌宇,倪忠,武俊明, 陈华友* .“实时荧光定量PCR技术在生物饲料中的应用”,《中国饲料》2021.1。
14. 衡新宇,崔周磊,梁晓玉,房燕洲,武俊明,陈华友*。白囊耙齿菌锰过氧化物酶在粟酒裂殖酵母中表达鉴定及菌酶协同发酵玉米秸秆,《生物学杂志》2021。
16. 冯桃,陈华友*。 微藻异养培养中碳源的研究进展。《生物技术》2023.5。
38. 陈华友 , 阎铭晨 , 许毓丹 , 陈颖 , 冯勇 , 周慧敏 , 王振 , 穆罕默德·赛义德 , 倪忠 , 方真。 一种耐酸性高活力角蛋白酶制剂的制备方法及其在羽毛粉发酵饲料中的应用,申请号:202411761345.9.申请日2024-12-03
37. 陈华友, 陈彦臻 , 李苗苗 , 冯勇 , 倪忠 , 郭忠建 , 穆罕默德·赛义德 , 胡朝阳 , 陈永 , 马毅。一种高活性角蛋白酶的制备方法及其在羽毛粉降解和发酵饲料制备等领域的应用。申请号202411761349.7. 申请日2024-12-03
36. 陈华友、吴正粉等,一种纤维二糖脱氢酶的制备方法及在秸秆降解等领域中的应用。申请号202410680246.1,2024.5.29
35.陈华友、陈曦华等,一种底物广谱性的葡萄糖氧化酶制作方法及在秸秆降解转化中的应用。申请号 202410939300X, 2024.7.15受理
32.陈华友,李柯仪等, 一种活性肥水剂的生产方法及在贝藻体系中的应用。申请号:2023106382390。申请日:2023.6.1。
31.陈华友,李柯仪等, 一种促进湛江等鞭金藻生长的高效肥水剂的生产方法,申请号:202310640555.1,申请日:2023.6.1。
30. 陈华友、冯桃等,高效螯合型活性肥水剂的发酵与制作方法及在贝藻养殖中的应用。申请号为202311010802.6。
29陈华友等。一种防治嗜水气单胞菌的复方发酵中药饲料添加剂的制备方法及其用途,申请号:202210754136.6,申请日:2022年06月29日,2023.10授权CN 115088785 B.
27陈华友等。一种防治常见肠道致病菌的复方发酵中药饲料添加剂的制备方法及其用途. 申请号:202210755888.4,申请日:2022年06月29日,已授权
26 陈华友等。一种基于黑水虻的水产用发酵饲料加工方法及应用(202110627082.2);申请日:2021-06-04
22.陈华友等。一种协同降解发酵玉米秸杆转化成高品质生物饲料原料的方法 (申请号:202010668698. X) 2020.7.13,授权号CN111909954B授权日:2022.9.23
21.陈华友等。一种重组锰过氧化物酶的制备方法及其在中草药木质素降解中的应用(申请号:202010669529. 8)已授权
13.陈华友等,一种秸秆生物饲料原料的预处理方法,申请号201810580328. 3,CN108813161B),2018.6.7,2021.10.21 已授权
9.陈华友等,一种脂肪酶的原核表达及应用和固定化方法,申请号201510077614.4,2015.2.13,(授权号CN104673817B) 2017.11.17
7.陈华友等,一种基于啤酒糟和米糠粕的饲用微生态制剂(2012101767435,授权号CN102687792B) ,2013.11.20
6.陈华友等,一种基于白酒糟和杂粕的微生物饲料的加工方法201210178380.9 (授权号CN102715342B),2013.12.18
2 .一种预防和治疗皮肤冻伤的药物(CN102357097A)